The Practice of living with the possibility that anything is possible!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Southern Jewel

My first post is the story of my amazing companion Mr. Murray from Alabama.  Murray came to us in November 2009 and has become the spark in our day that lights the way through our life.  Mindi, Murray's mum,  and her four pups where abandoned under a house with no water or food and no hope.  The pups were thin, frail and scarred when a local rescue pulled them from under the house.  They took them in, fed them and started their journey back to health.  Rescue K911 contacted our local pet rescue, and agreed to have them adopted north of the border.  Here is an amazing video of the pups rescue.

Murray is now health, happy and loved.  We can not give enough thanks to rescue K911 and Victoria Adoptables for bring this Southern Jewel into our life.  


  1. Yipee! I'm your first follower! Welcome to the land of blogging will love it, I promise!
    I'm going to post a link to your blog on our side panel.
    Love Mr. Murray!

  2. J. beat me to be first here...darn it !!!! Any your blog darling girl.

  3. know we are going to need a daily yoga practice! come you aren't following yet? Come on...!

  4. Ah thanks:) You two inspired me with your beautiful blog xoxox

  5. I'm trying to do this in between seeing clients.! I'm at work!!!!

  6. I have started a daily yoga practice at home... I'm trying for everyday between now and Feb 11. That was going to be my next post:)
