The Practice of living with the possibility that anything is possible!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Stone Fence Studio - Michelle Anderson

I was first introduced to yoga in 2001 by my wonderful mother Victoria, when we joined the local Iyengar yoga studio.  My path then was followed by working in one of the local yoga apparel store, lululemon athletica for 4 years.  Since my first introduction I have practiced different styles of yoga with many different people.  It was not until I met my amazing teacher Michelle Anderson that I truly learnt what its like to have a yoga practice.

I first met Michelle when she was teaching yoga at my gym about four or five years ago.  She inspired me and opened the door to the world of yoga.  This meeting was short lived because Michelle decided to leave the gym and open a home studio.  It wasn't until a December 2009 that a mutual friend lead me back to her.

Michelle has been practicing for over 25 years and has been teaching for at least eight years.  She has impacted many lives around the world.  From the local yoga community, to Africa (Energy for Orphans) where she is working with a orphanage to bring the love of yoga into their lives.  She is inspired to help heal others through the art and practice of yoga and she is doing an amazing job!

Oh and how could I forget.... the doodles and tytan!  Michelle has three helpers in her studio:)  Ravi, Chandra and Tytan.  xoxoxo 

I am off to join Michelle and a wonderful group of yogi's in February for three weeks of training.

Thank you Michelle for all of your inspiration, guidance and love that you have shown me and the lives that you have touched.  xoxoxoxo

Check her out @


  1. Katie...what a lovely tribute to Michelle.
    Can't wait for you all to get back from your training so I can start yoga again!

  2. You are inspiring me to find a yogi here in NOTL. Usually we are in Florida by now and I do have a wonderful teacher there.
    That looks like you and your mum in the 4th picture??

  3. Amazing yoga postures. I love that. And you have the cutest dog. Following you, talk soon

  4. Katie...this is wonderful! Welcome to the blogging world!
    I have always wanted to try yoga...I have been a pilates devotee l for years but still think there must be something more. You have inspired me to get into action. Well done on finding something you love :)

    Glad I came along to say hello to two of my favourite ladies, your Mom and your Aunt :)

    Jeanne xx

  5. I too will be following you! lots of love!

  6. Thanks everyone:)

    Jeanne... yoga is amazing, as is pilates, I would highly recommend it and finding a great teacher is the key. At least it was for me:)

    I do have amazing women in my life:) and all of them are on this page!

    love you all xoxox
